Educamos Donde Sea Initiative

Educamos Donde Sea started as a way to help ease the anxiety of children in Puerto Rico’s southern towns living through on-going earthquakes rattling their homes. Our support was made possible through financial donations from the Southern California Puerto Rican community. Our donations allowed 10 volunteer educators spent the day working with students of Educamos Donde Sea in Ponce. The volunteers led songs, games, races and more. They were excited to help support the emotional and mental well-being of the students. We believe that the future of Puerto Rico is in the hands of the youth and are proud to support the Educamos Donde Sea initiative. The program started a few days after the 7.1 earthquake hit in early January, 2020, out of local park where families had taken refuge. The camp started with the children living in the park, lead by a school teacher, and soon grew to 80 students, then 150 students, then over 300. With the help of donations, the initiative continued until the end of the school year. Check out the video to see our sponsored activity, and if you are moved, please donate to them via PayPal.


Educamos Done Sea Moved Online!

The move to a full-scale virtual educational system for a population of 345,000 students in Puerto Rico was a challenge and failure. Educamos Donde Sea also struggled to make the transition, but their approach paid-off. Under the leadership of Sra. Carmen Rodriguez-Maladav was to utilize WhatsApp and a module-based system. Recruited by Carmen to help create a series of introduction videos for English modules. In total, a team of 10 volunteers from across California produced over 60 videos for the program. We are incredibly proud of this accomplishment; we are continuously amazed at the power of this small organization to buck-the-grain and offer free k-6 education. Please reach out if you'd like to work on a project for Educamos Donde Sea. 

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Check out their work on social media Instagram and Facebook. We can’t forgot about this ground-up, community-led response to the lack of Governmental support. We are encourage others to donate, share and talk about their story, and reach out to them with ways you can help.

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